Monday, September 21, 2009

Module 2 Elements of Distance Education Diffusion

After viewing the video with George Siemens, I tend to agree with him in the importance of global diversity, communication, and collaborative interaction being the three important elements in the growing acceptance of distance education. These three elements are like the beginning points when constructing an online community.

Communication is defined as “The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior” (Yahoo Education, 2009). There are many other forms of the communication today that are different from traditional communication methods like the telephone, mail and face-to-face conversation. It all began with the introduction of the computer and the Internet. Today to increase interaction among learners, there are many online tools that can be used to communicate. Some of these online tools include email, chat, bulletin boards, discussion/news groups, and list servs, instant messenger, videoconferencing, webcams, blogs, and wikis just to name a few. Use of these different communication tools engages learners actively and can increase the success of online learning.

Yahoo Education.(2009). Communication. Retrieved September 20, 2009 at


  1. You are so correct. I remember a time when cell phones were a luxury instead of a necessity. I remember when technology was present but it wasn't a big fuss or a major part of life. If we look around us today, everything is going digital and requires more and more technology. We must admit, technology is governing our world and is apart of every facet of our lives, especially education.

  2. I am a little confused or maybe unclear about the learning communities. The people who are assigned to our group are not present. What I mean is, I looked for a couple of their blogs to find that they, I guess, dropped the class. You are the only one that was assigned to my learning group that I actually communicate with. Did you notice the same thing or am I overlooking something?

  3. Yes, I did. I asked the instructor about maybe commenting on other learning community pages becuase I was also worried about the points for the assignment. He did give me permission to do that.


  4. Okay. Thanks for the clarification.
